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P7 Candidate in Kasese gives birth during PLE


A primary seven candidate from Bikunya Primary School in Karambi sub-county, Kasese district yesterday gave birth as she was answering her Mathematics paper.

The girl whose name has been withheld from the press developed labour pains immediately after the start of the Mathematics paper and was rushed to Bikunya Health Centre where she delivered from.

However, the UNEB officials did not hesitate to take the paper to health facility for the young mother to continue attempting shortly after giving birth. The same officials also took the Social Studies paper to the young mother in the afternoon hours for her to attempt.  

Meanwhile, at Kasangali SDA Primary School in Bwesumbu sub-county, a 16-year-old girl gave birth a day before the start of PLE.

The School’s Head teacher, Mr. Matayo Wahimba says that they allowed the young mother to do her exams after getting a medical report that she was in good health. He added that the school allowed the girl’s mother to take care of the baby at the school as the candidate sits her exam.

Sylvia Mbambu, a Nurse at Bwesumbu Health Centre III said that they will continue monitoring her condition until she finishes her papers today.

The Kasese District Education Officer, Mr. George Mayinja says that another candidate at Kacungiro primary school in Munkunyu Sub County who was in labour on Monday had not yet delivered by end of the exams yesterday but the Bukonzo East Inspector of Schools, Mr. Erisania Kule claims that another candidate from the same schools had delivered last week and turned up yesterday and today to do her exams.

At Kisinga Primary School in Kisinga Town Council, one young mother turned up to sit for her P.L.E while a pregnant girl also tried her best to turn up for the same, according to the area Inspector of Schools.

Meanwhile, a 17-year-old girl in Serere district yesterday gave birth during the Primary Leaving Exams-PLE.

The candidate from Kyere primary school, whose identity has been withheld because she is a minor, was in the middle of her mathematics exam when her labour pains started.

Herbert Ejalu, the Head teacher of Kyere primary school says that the candidate raised her hand and asked to be excused from the examination room. She was rushed to a health facility, where she gave birth to a baby girl.

Ejalu says that although the candidate was weak, she returned to school and completed the exam and also sat for the social studies exam in the afternoon.

Last year, a 16 year old girl sat her Primary Leaving Examinations-PLE at Serere health centre IV after giving birth.  The candidate was one of those who registered for PLE in Serere district after conceiving during the COVID-19 lockdown.

In Bukedea district, one of the pupils who delivered a baby girl last week is among the candidates who have just completed their exams at Kanyanga primary school. The 16-year-old girl wrote her examination under the tree to be able to attend to the baby who is four days old.

According to Stephen Okello, the Head Teacher of Kanyanga Primary School, the candidate is among the three child mothers who sat their examinations in the school. He says the other two girls are pregnant and have completed their papers before delivery.

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1 comment

Katikoro James Bwambale November 10, 2022 at 9:55 am

Best information


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