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Youth urged to abstain from sex

By Benjamin Mbusa

The Youth in Rwenzori Sub region have been encouraged to set their focus at going to school and make it a point to complete their studies if they are to achieve their desired goals in future.

The encouragement was sounded on Wednesday by the Executive Director for Hope of Young Mothers Development Initiative-HOMODI, Jockus Cadre while addressing a section of local and religious leaders during their sensitization meeting on how they can prevent and respond to issues regarding Child marriages and early pregnancies at Bunaiga Church of Uganda in Bunaiga Parish, Katebwa Sub County in Bunyangabu District.

Cadre discouraged the young age from engaging themselves in sexual related behaviors that would cut their lifespan short stressing the need for them to abstinence from sex and subsequently wait for their time to get married.

He advised the school going age not to refuse to go to school saying that education was the key to their future.

He also challenged parents and guardians to stop marrying off their children at a tender age, and warned them from over burdening their children with a lot of domestic work but rather look at the best ways of nurturing them.

Despite international agreements and national laws, marriage of girls below the age of 18 is common worldwide and affects millions.

Child marriage is a human rights violation that prevents girls from obtaining an education, enjoying optimal health, bonding with others their own age, maturing, and ultimately choosing their own life partners.

Child marriage is driven by poverty and has many effects on girls’ health: increased risk for sexually transmitted diseases, cervical cancer, malaria, death during childbirth, and obstetric fistulas.

Girls’ offspring are at increased risk for premature birth and death as neonates, infants, or children.

To stop child marriage, policies and programs must educate communities, raise awareness, engage local and religious leaders, involve parents, and empower girls through education and employment.

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