Education News

Prioritize sending your children back to school when schools reopen in January 2022, Parents urged

By Alex Baluku

A section of leaders in Kasese District have courted parents and guardians to prioritize sending their school going children back to school when schools reopen in January.

Schools will officially re-open for all classes on January 10, 2022, according to the schools and other institutions calendar that was officially released mid this month by Education and Sports Minister Janet Museveni.

The new calendar covers all primary, secondary technical and community polytechnics, many of which have been closed for almost two years which saw over 1.5million learners remain redundant within their communities.

Schools in Uganda have remained closed for over 80 weeks, the longest school closure recorded across the world. But last week, Mrs Museveni announced that the closure, which started on March 20, 2020, was ending and all learners would report back at once.

Speaking to our reporter shortly after addressing a section of students during a career-guidance day on Wednesday at Kahokya Primary School in Kahokya Sub County, Kasese District Woman MP, Florence Kabugho emphasized the need for parents and Guardians to support all their school going Children when schools reopen in January.

Kasese District Woman Member of Parliament speaking to students, leaders and a section of parents at Kahokya Primary School in Busongora County South

Kabugho who also noted that the district is also grappling with a high rate of teenage pregnancies, encouraged parents to endeavor to take the daughters and sons who have become victims of the same back school in order to guarantee a good future for them. She also strongly warned the parents from marrying of their daughters at a tender age saying that the act exposes the young girls to a number of dangers.

The woman legislator also urged students to become ambitious and pick up role models who will always inspire them to becoming persons of responsibility in the future.

Kahokya Sub County Community Development Officer Jeneva Muhindo also cautioned students against premarital sex which, she said, exposes them to early pregnancies. According to Muhindo, since the 2020 lockdown, Kahokya has registered 17 cases of defilement and 16 teenage pregnancies. She argued that this trend is worrying and doesn’t guarantee a good future for such girls and or their families in general.

CDO Kahokya Sub County in Kasese district-Jeneva Muhindo addressing a section of students

Kahokya Sub County Chairperson Mr. Nyesio Bwambale Byamutima says they decided to organize the careers’ day as part of the sub county’s campaign dubbed “Go to School, Stay in School and Complete which is aimed at re-interest students in completing schools after two years of redundancy.

Kahokya Sub County Chairperson-Nyesio Bwambale Byamutima

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