
Microfinance Support Center Bails out Kasese Accident Victim, Muhasa

By Alex Baluku

After spending about two weeks at Kilembe Mines Hospital in Kasese Town over failure to clear his medical bill of Shillings One Million, the Kasese based local artist, Jimmy Muhasa, was on Wednesday allowed to return home after Microfinance Support Center came for his rescue and settled the accumulated Hospital Dues.

Muhasa, a resident of Kasambya Village in Buhuhira Sub County in Busongora County North of Kasese District was hospitalized at Kilembe Hospital for about two months after a nasty accident. On 22nd of January Muhasa was discharged however he was not allowed to go home after failing to settle the medical bills.

After losing all the hopes, Microfinance Support Center-MSC intervened and bailed Muhasa out of the Hospital something that Muhasa’s family members described as a blessing from God.

Mirida Biira, Muhasa’s mother told Journalists that she had lost hope of getting his son from the hospital since they had sold almost everything at home.

According to the Deputy Executive Director for Microfinance Support Center-MSC, Hellen Petronilla Masika, when they got to know about Muhasa’s situation at the health facility, they came on board to pay all the medical bills. Masika says MSC bought music equipments for the Youth in Kasese and Jimmy is one of the beneficiaries who recorded a good song demonstrating the contributions of government in Rwenzori Region the reason to why they were forced to come for his rescue.

The Deputy Executive Director also said that more support would be rendered to Muhasa to see his full recovery and acquisition of an artificial leg. She added that they will also give him psychosocial support.

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1 comment

Lahuka Erinestus February 9, 2022 at 11:01 am

This is wonderful, reminds me of a good Samaritan. Keep it up!


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