
Kasese retired inspector of Schools Wilson Isemusoro Dies.

The teaching fraternity in Kasese district is mourning the passing of Wilson Isemusoro Bwambale the district education icon and retired inspector of Schools.

The gallant member of the Kasese district Local Government, succumbed to diabetes and hypertension (pressure), yesterday at 10Pm at Kasese Hospital in Kasese Municipality.

Addressing the mourners at the deceased’s Kasese based home at Kogere cell of Rukoki ward in Nyamwamba Division, the District Principal Inspector of Schools, Ernest Bwambale Thabugha, said it was so saddening the Education department has lost Isemusoro who was a mentor of many people and a pillar in the teaching fraternity.

Preaching to the mourners at a requiem service of the deceased, the Archdeacon for Kasese Archdeaconry, the Ven. Alfred Mugisa Mujungu challenged the people to prepare for life after death through accepting Jesus Christ when they are still alive.

Ven. Mugisa said this is the time for every Christian to make sounding legacies when they are still alive.

Quoting the Biblical book of St. Johns Chapter 3 Vs 24, the Church Minister said that the one who keeps God’s commands lives in him, and he in them.

He said that the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur the reason he said everyone should look after living a pure life while he or she still lives.

A family report read to the mourners by Asanasio Baluku, a nephew to the deceased indicated that Isemusoro was born in 1961 in Buzira village of Nsenyi Parish in Kisinga Sub County.

Speaker after speaker, described the late Isemusoro as cyclopedia for the district and a Lhukonzo dictionary whose death was so shocking because of his good personality.

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